Gyroscope Article
By Cindy James on Jun 22, 2003
Cindy: A lot of things have happened since last we spoke last, (Been about 8 months!?) including the signing to FMR (Festival Mushroom Records). Can you tell us a little about the new label and how you're enjoying being signed to a major??
Rob: It's great! Obviously we
were fairly nervous. It was a big step up for us, coming from an independent label,
but everything has been running really smooth, everyone has been really supportive.
They give us total creative control. We designed our own artwork, chose the singles
we want to release off the cd, Zoch does all our artwork for us, that's not going
to be changing any time soon, which they love, the label gives us 100% encouragement.
It's great.
Cindy: The successful follow up to your highly acclaimed
debut EP (Take Time) has just been released and is selling rapidly. I have to
admit, it's a fantastic disc and the rotation in my CD player hasn't stopped.
How do you feel about the outcome of the new EP 'Midnight Express'?
In terms of 'Take Time' and 'Midnight Express' we've come out really happy with
both of them. They are both slightly different errors in our song writing and
our experience with music. We are extremely happy with the songs on Midnight Express,
the production, we're ecstatic about. Especially this being our debut release
upon a major. We're really happy with how it's doing, we couldn't've asked for
anything better. We've gained a hell of a lot of support in regards to rotation
on the radio and television/videos as well, just touring behind the disc, it's
really good to have a product that we're 100% happy with. Sometimes, we talk to
bands who have released something and not been 100% happy with the finished product,
it's just one of those things that you have to get out there.
What would be your favourite track, to both listen too and play live?
I'd say Midnight Express, the title track, basically the two moods the song produces.
The first half of the songs' crazy, airy sound as it cranks in
when we're playing live, the energy and vibe jumps out, we go crazy and it's a
heap of fun.
Rob & Zoch: AGREED!
Cindy: Is there a story or meaning behind the decision to title the EP after the third track off the disc?
Brad: The title was chosen for a number of reasons,
firstly it was our favourite track out of the six, and I think that song in a
way we feel most proud of.
Rob: Another thing is that the words,
Midnight Express isn't very specific; it can mean a few things. I've had a few
people ask if the idea comes that most shows we play around midnight and we're
expressing ourselves at midnight or is it a train scenario or after the movie.
So it just left it open, I think what we're trying to do with our music is ensure
that we don't get boxed into anything, I think the title reflects that attitude
as well.
Cindy: The new EP has demonstrated the band to has incorporated a
more diverse emotionally charged, rockier style of music in comparison to Take
Time. Was this a progression of influence/something you guys just punched out
or an aim produce this sound?
Brad: Whenever we write, we never
really aim to create a certain sound, we just write, what ever comes out, comes
out. Every time we write a new batch of songs, it seems to be in six-month blocks.
To listen to our really old material, you can see that it's come from a really
pop punk angle. From there we branched out to more of a technical sound as apposed
to now, where we've just gone back to the roots and said, 'let's just write whatever
comes out' and that's how it happened. I think that's what we did with M.E. We
didn't have any expectations for any song we just said whatever. However it comes
out is how it's going to be really.
Cindy: How do you feel the
response has been from your fans as the progression of the bands' new style was
Zoch: Really really good actually, the people that we
have spoken to about it have all said that they appreciate what we're doing. As
we go along, we're creating a more original sound each time, most of the fans,
especially those who have been with us from the start, appreciate it. You get
those one or two people who come out and tell us that they prefer our old shit
better and you know, it's up to us to enjoy our own music I guess.
You guys have just embarked on a month long tour of the nation. Did this tour
take you to places the bands has never been before or did you play most of these
cities with Jedediah on your last run?
Rob: A bit of both. We went
to a few cities that where we played on the Jebs tour but this time around was
the first time we've been to Brisbane. We played four shows up there that were
great. A lot of the shows we've been playing here in Sydney have been awesome
as they're not just the same venues, Byron Bay
.. How good Brad!?
Brad: Sooo good!
Cindy: Did you's head into Nimbin??
Nar but we got this little flyer
Rob and I got really drunk one night and
headed back to our room where we found this flyer with this guys head on it from
Nimbin, funniest thing I've ever seen
Rob: Some dude offered
to buy Brad's Afro for $6,000
Brad: He did!
Hahahhah and I bet he was also wearing flares?
Rob: Close cin,
close, he was wearing these bright fluro green pants. Before long he was trying
to convince us that herbal tea was better for the environment than coffee
What a dickhead!
Cindy: Where would some of the local talent that
has impressed you upon your adventures be found?
Rob: Definitely
After The Fall!!
Zoch: After the Fall!!!
Brad: Also,
Something With Numbers!!!
Cindy: Yeah
.. Central Coast
Pride!!!!! J
Cindy: Have you found a large difference in the music
scene as you move from town to town?
Zoch: Yes and no, Everywhere
you go, it has a different scene but in a way, it's similar to Perth, they're
like little Perth's all over the place, just bigger and smaller
Rob: Especially the Central Coast.
Zoch: Brisbane in particular, Melbourne
and Sydney are slightly bigger and the crowds are slightly tougher I think
Cindy: The band has just teamed up with 28 Days and After The
Fall for the second leg of this tour, how have you found traveling/playing shows
with these guys been? Any on or off stage antics (both with Gyro and the touring
bands) you'd like to share with us?
Rob: Well there's Scum Fighter
and Knee Man, they like to break wine bottles, smash them up
Zoch: They're super hero's that come out at night
Brad: They broke our cricket bat, which we brought over all the way from Perth.
Rob: I
think they play in a band called 28 Days, but we can't work out who it is because
they wear masks. One man has a nickname but his sir name's HepBurn
Brad: And
the other guy, his name's James, but they like to call him something else though.
Cindy: What's some of the newer material the band has been listening
to a lot lately?
Zoch: Nirvana
Rob: AFI! New AFI owns!
Brad: My new favourite band is 'The Music'
Cindy: You kind of look like the lead singer
Rob: That's what Matty (Manager) says
Zoch: Spewing dude!
Cindy: Narrrr it's not a badddd
Cindy: Who gets too choose what CD goes on in the
tour van?
Brad: ME!
Zoch: We only have a tape player
so we've been flogging a mix tape with At The Drive In and The Clash
Cindy: Who gets stuck with the driving?
Brad: Usually
Matt, our manager, I'm the stunt driver and Dan is our long distance driver, Matt's
just the every day getting us lost driver.
Rob: And I'm sweet f*ck
all J
Cindy: During your music career, who would you say has had
the biggest influence on you, and why?
Brad: 'Nirvana', Kurt Cobain
Dave Grol as well
Zoch: I started out in music when I was 7 years
old; Guns n Roses was always the biggest influences for me. But these days I'd
say Tim Rodgers from 'You Am I'. I think he's the ultimate performer.
'From a personal perspective, what really got me into music and make me want to
play in a band were the 'Smashing Pumpkins' but on a local level, someone that
I've looked up to and we've probably all looked up to would be Jebediah, being
one of the first bands to come out of Perth and actually make it. They really
opened our eyes and help us realize that we can do that too.
Definitely a band that put Perth on the map.
Brad: Without a doubt.
Cindy: I remember you telling me the band used a man called Andrew
Miller to produce your debut film clip 'Save The Last Match', (taken off the 'Take
Time' EP) Did Andrew produce your brand new clip 'Midnight Express' this time
Zoch: No, this time around we used Matt Weston from a band
called 'The Nation Blue'. He did Fire Away and Midnight Express. We did both clips
in one night, during a 12-hour hit.
Brad: 'Fire Away' took around
8 hours. At about 4 in the morning we started Midnight Express, which took about
2 or 3.
Zoch: You can tell as well.
Brad: When
you look at the Midnight Express clip, you can tell that we're giving it our best,
on our last legs, giving it our all. I think that's why it came out that little
bit better, cuz we just wanted to get it perfect and go home to sleep
Cindy: Can you tell us a bit about the Midnight Express film clip and
the setting/story line behind it?
Zoch: Originally we had a little
workshop to talk about the ideas we wanted to pursue
Brad: With Midnight
Express the first thing that really comes to mind is possibly a train. We also
thought about having a live aspect with a narrative placed into it, whether it
be on a train or traffic, so you can see us playing live underneath the train
station. It's also intertwined with a guy and his girlfriend sitting in a car,
in heavy traffic where the filming is all really fast cut. That's the ideas we
had with that and just placed them all together really.
When the band gets back to Perth are there any plans to record for a full length
CD or will you guys be taking it easy for a while?
Brad: I think
the plan for us will be to get back and start writing. We've done two Eps now
so we're ready to take the next step and write for our full-length album.
Rob: We've got a lot of ideas, we ideas for about 8 songs that we just need to develop and nurture.
Brad: We're just going to knuckle down and go in there five days a week. Treat it like a job and just write.
Rob: Looking
forward to it!
Cindy: Is the band a full time thing for you guys
or back home do you all have jobs?
Brad: Nar we all quit our jobs
about 6 months ago, we all decided that we really want to do this and give it
our best shot, you know? So we're now all on the dole focusing full time on our
Cindy: What was the last CD you brought/listened too?
Brad: The Music last
Rob: AFI - Sing The Sorrow
Zoch: the new Alkaline Trio
Cindy: hell yeah!
Zoch: It's good! It gets better every time you listen to it
Cindy: Yeah I'm really into the new A3 Cd
Zoch: Love ya taste cin
Where do you see the band in 12-18 months time?
Zoch: Hopefully
doing similar to what we're doing, just on a larger scale with our album out
Still traveling and doing gigs really
Cindy: Any last words
to sum up the interview?
Rob: Just thanks for the support! Having
people like yourself doing interviews etc, supporting the scene, giving us a chance
to do the interview, it's all great and we really appreciate it cin!
Brad: Thanks cin
Zoch: Nice wedges, eat up!